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StarWomanPlus Interviews Lara Morgan who likes the game of business!

StarWomanPlus- What is motivation to you and how do you get motivated?

Lara Morgan-Previously in my first company the need to build a secure and happy home for my family. I like the game of business, it is exciting, intellectually challenging, has some thrill in the progression and I love seeing people develop and grow. I also like to see products that are great get to market and improve others lives which is a key part of my investment criteria.

SWP- From your perspective and experience, what is business?

LM- A way of building something, offering a service, making a product and selling these for a profit.

SWP-Have doubt & faith affected your business/ core/vision/mission/purpose? How?

LM-Doubt of course seeps into any picture of progress as we work hard towards making success and more so when we are not making that success happen as we thought it

would. Indeed I am wrong often, have to adapt, be agile, learn from these mistakes and move on but doubt itself gives us nothing except the need to act or think harder to solve

problems. Faith does affect all that I do as I spend my whole life aiming to do the right thing.

SWP-Is whatever you are involved with an effective tool for change?

LM- I hope so. Every business I invest in will gift back 10% of profit to a cause that makes a difference to others

SWP- In what ways should women maximize the abilities in their vision?

LM- Like any other person aiming to do well and be successful. Being a woman in business I wish was on equal footing as men but sometime around the world this is not the case. Women have to be doubly determined to be successful and when they are anything is possible. I have three children and a gorgeous supporting husband.

SWP- When did you begin to embrace and become aware of your purpose/ vision? What was your reaction?

LM- I was brought up to put back into life what one takes out. Always I reap more than I sow.

SWP- A woman's mind and soul are important? How important?

LM- Every person’s mind and soul is important. Every person has opportunity, it is what we do to encourage others, and to maximize our own potential that can make

significant difference and without being progressive, open-minded and fair you will not enjoy success.

SWP-How do you express the energies in your passion?

LM-Daily, I work hard, laugh a lot, exercise regularly, eat well, sleep little and aim to love all that life has to offer. I do not have to work anymore which is a huge privilege and I therefore value the people and mind engagement a great deal.

SWP- Who (is) are your mentor(s)? What have you learnt from them?

LM-Both parents worked ridiculously hard to afford the boarding school I was sent to. I have had numerous unpaid mentors with great experience whom have generously shared their intelligence along the way. I feel very grateful for this and do the same in a way of balancing the scorecard to give others similar help.

SWP- Those times that seem as if nothing is working ,how do you pull yourself through?

LM-Try another way, change direction, ask for help, get others feedback, re- think, repurpose, step back and then gather myself for the next effort.Nothing worth doing seems to come that easily.

SWP-What 'tools have you fashioned' to enhance your purpose/vision/ business?

LM-Endlessly I invest in the tool of reading to grow business intelligence. Online resources are vast, available and should be mandatory in your daily plan to succeed. Always learn or life is boring.

SWP-Are you ' called' or 'passionate'?

LM- I am firm and fair in my dealings, always clear, always demanding of myself and others.

Lara Morgan

Tel: +44 (0) 7710 422469

Twitter: @IamLaraMorgan

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