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StarWomanPlus interviews Yetunde Williams who believes no one should lack vision.

StarWomanPlus- What is inspiration to you? And how do you get inspired?

Yetunde Williams- I get inspired by having a vision, hearing from God for confirmation and then taking a step forward to start moving towards the goal. If you don't take action then it stays as a dream and cannot become reality. SWP- Are you on a journey with destiny? What is the journey? What is your destiny?

YT- My journey is to do what I have been equipped to do the best way i can.

SWP- Have doubt & faith affected your core/vision/mission/purpose? How?

YT- Yes doubt is real and it is almost human to wonder if you are moving in the right direction and if you can achieve what you have planned. Usually the bigger the vision the scarier it might be. What I have come to realise over time is that faith and action go hand in hand. So no matter what you think you might achieve, if you do not have the faith to take a step towards achieving it then nothing will happen. I stay prayerful, surround myself with people who encourage me to be all i can be and keep moving. SWP- You have an abundant plan for your life,right? How do you want to get there?

YT- I plan to get there by praying, staying positive and believing i can achieve what i set out to do. I also learn from everyone i interact with. SWP- Is whatever you are involved with an effective tool for change?

YT- My biggest passion is LagosMums which is a resource for parents and family life. I am motivated to ensure that we are all raising children with the right values. The world has gotten increasingly noisy and if we do not stay focused with the truth we might miss it. So far I have been amazed by the number of mums and parents who are happy to connect and help each other through this parenting journey.

SWP- In what ways should women maximize the abilities in their vision?

YT -Every woman should realise that she has been gifted with talents and therefore no one should have a lack of vision. Women should maximise their abilities by staying true to themselves and the things that she has a burden for. SWP-When did you begin to embrace and become aware of your purpose/vision? What was your reaction?

YT- I have been become clear about my purpose/ vision in 2 distinct ways. Firstly, was when I decided to go into the Real Estate industry and I was pleasantly surprised to see that this was a hidden passion of mine. I am also very interested in making women aware of the importance and need to own real estate. Secondly, was when I found my passion for running a parenting blog, I have always loved to write but never thought I would own a blog. My reaction has been to learn to be flexible and allow God to work through you and guide you. SWP- A woman's mind and soul are important? How important?

YT- Very very important if a woman is not at peace she cannot live life to the fullest. Women wear many hats and need to be able to live optimally in all areas. If we don't have the right frame of mind or the right support we cannot excel. Women need to define what balance is, it is different for everyone and a life not in equilibrium is stressful and distracting. Balance is the key. SWP- How should our educational systems be involved in helping girls discover their purpose?

YT-Education should focus on letting children have a sense of their identity, what makes them special and knowing that they have their own unique gifts and talents. If more educational systems focus on finding out the true gift each child has then, he or she will not be made to conform into a stereotypical role. SWP- Who are (is) your mentor(s)? What have you learnt from them?

YT- One of my biggest mentors is the Proverbs 31 woman. I believe that if all her characteristics mentioned were not attainable then she would not have been mentioned in the bible. I do believe we are meant to excel in all areas of our lives - as a wife, mother, investor, home maker, working woman, and so much more. I also believe that every woman needs a mentor, I personally approached a mentor about 2 years ago - Mrs Tokunbo Ishmael and she has been a real blessing to me. She encourages me and pushes me in a positive way. I appreciate how she takes time for me though very busy herself! She has taught me to have focus and to put plans in place for how I want to achieve all the goals I set out. My mum who has also taught me the importance of being able to communicate. There are so many other people who I learn from and look up to.

SWP- Those times that seem as if nothing is working, how do you pull yourself through?

YT- Prayer and the unshakable faith that all things work together for my good.

SWP- What 'tools have you fashioned' to enhance your purpose/vision?

YT- A support system that includes my very supportive husband, friends who have become sisters, mentors. SWP- Any last words for women/girls out there standing by and for their dreams?

YT- I believe everyone has a dream. Action, perseverance and focus is what makes it a reality. It is also important to learn from your mistakes and then keep moving. Be flexible as life has many interesting twists and turns. SWP-Share 5 quotes that have changed your life.

YT- ~ Everything will work together for my good

~Impossible is nothing

~It is not who will let me, but who will stop me

~Raise a child right so you do not have to fix an adult (mine)

~Children learn more from what you do rather than what you say.

Yetty Williams

Founder & CEO

LagosMums Limited - a resource for mindful and collaborative parenting tips

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