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StarWomanPlus Interviews Sharon Carter who helps teen girls navigate through the tumultuous years of

StarWomanPlus-What is motivation to you? And how do you get motivated?

Sharon Carter- Motivation for me is the drive that keeps me pushing forward regardless of circumstances, setbacks and disappointments. I get motivated by different ways; I often listen to messages about faith and success, I listen to music, I sing, I have a mentor/coach, I keep a vision board close by and I often write my goals and dreams down to keep me focused. I also enjoy having fun with my family and close friends; that quality time inspires me greatly.

SWP-Are you on a journey with destiny? What is the journey? What is your destiny?

SC-Yes, I do believe that I am walking my journey towards the destiny that God has for me. For me, my journey is about trust, faith and making a positive difference. I am a big believer that you don’t have to know everything when you get started.

SWP- Have doubt & faith affected your core/vision/mission/purpose? How?

SC-Yes, both doubt and faith have affected my vision. I remember when I first started Girls for Greatness and I didn’t have any clients and I kept getting no’s from people, but I pushed thru and now I have helped many girls not only through coaching but with workshops, a book and even a self-esteem camp! It’s so important to keep the faith! SWP-You have an abundant plan for your life,right? How do you want to get there?

SC-Yes, I have an abundant plan for my life. I plan to get there by keeping God first. I will share a quote with you that inspires me – “Find your place in life through Him. Seek Him for direction, be willing to do your part and your success in life is guaranteed!” – TD Jakes SWP- Is whatever you are involved with an effective tool for change?

SC-Yes, empowering young people and helping them get a new perspective about their struggles is an effective tool for change. The more young people that have a stronger sense of self-awareness, the better they will be as adults. That can only create a positive ripple effect for our world. SWP-In what ways should women maximize the abilities in their vision?

SC-They should surround themselves with other positive women who also have vision. They should also commit to investing in themselves, whether be it reading books, learning a foreign language, gaining new skills to help them succeed should be a priority. SWP-When did you begin to embrace and become aware of your purpose/vision? What was your reaction?

SC- I embraced my purpose after I went through a difficult time at a previous job that I had many years ago. I used the pain of that situation to motivate to reach higher. That’s what led me to start Girls for Greatness. SWP- A woman's mind and soul are important? How important?

SC-They are very important because they help shape the type of life that she will live. SWP- Who (is) are your mentor(s)? What have you learnt from them?

SC-I have so many mentors. I have learned to stay focused on what really matters, the importance of taking care of me -- mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. I also learned to spend my time with those who truly value me, and to enjoy every moment of my journey. SWP-Those times that seem as if nothing is working,how do you pull yourself through?

SC-Prayer. SWP-What 'tools have you fashioned' to enhance your purpose/vision/business?

SC-Vision boards, affirmations, a gratitude journal and a dream book. SWP-Are you ' called' or 'passionate'?

SC-I would say both. SWP-Any last words for women/girls out there standing by and for their dreams? SC-Always, always believe in yourself.

Value yourself, value your mind, value your spirit, and value your body.

Don’t compare yourself to anyone.

Surround yourself with other positive women.

Sharon Carter is an empowerment Coach for Teen Girls & Young Women. She help girls navigate through the tumultuous years of adolescence by helping them face their challenges head on with their self-esteem intact! Facebook:

Twitter: @sharonpcarter

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